Blog Posts

Choosing The Best Bedding
Choosing The Best Bedding For Dwarf Hamsters When it comes to creating a cozy home for your dwarf hamster, choosing the right bedding is crucial. It’s not just about comfort; your choice affects...
10 Tips For Daily Dwarf Hamster Care
Introduction Owning a dwarf hamster is not just about providing a cage and food; it’s about crafting a nurturing environment where these tiny creatures can thrive. Dwarf hamsters are unique pets...
cage setup
Set Up Your Best Enclosure
I’m going to be your guide in setting up a comfortable and enriching home for your tiny friend, the dwarf hamster. Don’t worry too much about getting it perfect from the get-go; you can always...
How To Choose The Best Cage
Choosing the right habitat for your dwarf hamster is critical, and space is the primary factor you’ll need to consider. Many hamster associations advocate for a minimum of 450 square inches of floor...
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